“My sister had moved out here eight or nine years ago and my nieces and nephews are here, and I went to school here. Gatto moved to Lynbrook “about two years ago” with his wife, Bessy, and their nearly 2-year-old daughter, Milana. They then devised the format that would become “Impractical Jokers” under the working title “Mission: Uncomfortable.” “That got some traction at Fox, but didn’t turn into anything,” Gatto says. Their break came when their YouTube short “Time Thugs” won the $100,000 grand prize of NBC’s web competition “It’s Your Show.” That led to an unsuccessful pilot for the cable network Spike, and another they produced independently for the 2009 New York Television Festival. Gatto moved to Los Angeles in 2005 - working in sales while trying to break in as a screenwriter and studying improv at The iO West Theater - but came home and took up with the troupe again while spending 16 years working at the infant-supply store Giggle in SoHo. The four friends had performed comedy throughout high school, and in 1999, keeping their day jobs, formed the still-extant comedy group The Tenderloins. Whoever doesn’t succeed - if the stranger simply walks away - the others “punish” him with some embarrassing task, like having to get in a pool and announce he’s urinating (not really) in it, or submitting to having his hair, facial hair and eyebrows shaved off and getting his photo taken at the DMV.

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Each takes a turn with an improv task - say, getting a stranger in the park to give advice about a problem - and the others, watching on monitors and communicating via a hidden earpiece, toss out wacky suggestions while they crack themselves up. That incident didn’t air, since the appeal of “Impractical Jokers” is that the joke is always on the four themselves. She didn’t press charges or nothing, but she stormed out and said, ‘It’s not funny.’ ” “The cops ended up being fans of the show. She still called the cops.” he says, laughing. Her identity had been stolen a week ago - we didn’t know.” Gatto and the others stopped the gag and told her it was a comedy show, “and she didn’t care. And he was photographing this woman’s card and she freaked out and called the cops. In the recent past, James Murr Murray shared a few other pics that fans guessed were also teases for Impractical Jokers Season 10, even if the star wasn’t so up front about saying so. “Sal was working the register,” Gatto says with his ever-present chuckle, “and we told him to take a picture of someone’s credit card.